For students learning English as a second language, writing it is often regarded as the toughest challenge. So the award-winning system devised by a scholar of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) Dr Gary Cheng Kwok-shing to enhance English writing skills is a truly welcome development. As an additional benefit, the innovative system encourages students to broaden their critical thinking skills.

When you walk into Arthur Samy Language Learning Centre (ASLLC) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) this fall, you will see a few new faces next to the signature graffiti glass at the entrance. They are this year’s International Tutors, from Mexico, Morocco, Sweden and the US, who are here to help create a fun learning environment at the University for students to improve their English, and to enrich their cultural sensitivity and understanding.

香港教育大學課程與教學學系助理教授龔仁崇博士,二零一九年七月十三日獲亞洲社會心理學會頒發Michael Harris Bond Early Career Award。該獎旨在表揚處於職涯初期,對亞洲社會心理學有重大貢獻的研究人員。