
Dialogue with Dr Jane Goodall




2018年11月10日 - 2018年11月11日
14:00 - 17:00

Dialogue with Dr Jane Goodall


Jane Goodall went to the Gombe Stream Reserve in East Africa when she was 26.  In a 2010 interview, Jane mentioned she just planned to stay there for three years.  Yet, this turned out to be her lifelong career, as well as her legacy.  What drives Jane into the wild?  What did she witness?  And what is her message to Hong Kong?  Join us at The Education University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Science Museum, Dialogue with Dr Jane Goodall.


"The more I learned about chimpanzees, the more I realised there was more to learn — until I couldn’t stop." - Dr Jane Goodall


Date: 10 November 2018


Time: 14:00 - 17:00


Venue: Lady Ivy Wu Lecture Theatre (D1-LP-04), EdUHK Tai Po Campus


Symposium on human dimension on wildlife conservation and education for sustainability

Wildlife conservation is one of the major foci in maintaining environmental sustainability.  However, the effort is not only limited to the conservation measures applied in the countryside or rural areas. As a cosmopolitan city and international hub, Hong Kong plays a role in depleting natural resources worldwide. The aim of this symposium is to explore how wildlife conservation could be achieved through four aspects in the human dimension — education, community engagement, green finance and ecotourism. Through the talk by the internationally renowned conservationist Dr Jane Goodall and cases shared by local experts, participants of the symposium would be enlightened on how we humans could contribute to wildlife conservation in a highly urbanised city.


Date: 11 November 2018


Time: 14:00 - 15:30


Venue: Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum


Public Lecture: Dialogue with Dr Jane Goodall


Dr Jane Goodall’s life-changing stay at the Gombe Stream Reserve in East Africa brings great stories to be shared with the members of the public. Supplementing the sharing by Dr Jane Goodall, local expert from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department will share their work and experience in sea turtle conservation in Hong Kong and South China Region. This public lecture serves a not-to-be-missed opportunity for us to get in touch with Dr Jane Goodall and reflect on man-wildlife relationship.


Part 1:


Topic: Embracing the Chimps


Speaker: Dr Jane Goodall DBE (Primatologist, anthropologist and founder of The Jane Goodall Institute)


Using a story-telling approach, Dr Jane Goodall will share her experience with chimpanzees at the Gombe Stream Reserve in East Africa. She will also talk about her research and education life, and her intriguing relationship with the chimpanzees.


Part 2:


Topic: Conservation of Sea Turtles in South China Region


Speaker: Dr Connie Ka-yan Ng (Nature Conservation Officer, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department)


Sea turtles are endangered species. Among the five sea turtle species recorded in Hong Kong waters, Green Turtle is the only species known to breed locally. The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department has been playing an important role in a turtle conservation. Conservation expert from the department will share their effort in this area of work.


For more details, please visit  http://www.eduhk.hk/ses/web/page.php?pid=44



2025年6月16日 - 2025年6月17日
09:00 - 18:00

