EdUHK Values Education Conference
It is essential for students to establish proper values and attitudes, through which they may overcome challenges in their everyday life. In view of this, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) held the Values Education Conference at the Hong Kong Palace Museum today (23 February). The event provided teachers with professional exchange opportunities, while simultaneously allowing them to foster values education.
The Conference was hosted by EdUHK with the support of the Education Bureau, and was sponsored by the Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation. Co-organisers included the Subsidized Primary Schools Council, the Hong Kong Aided Primary School Heads Association, the Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council, the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools, the New Territories School Heads Association, the Kowloon Region School Heads Association, the Hong Kong Island School Heads Association, the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council, the Hong Kong Special Schools Council, the Union of Government Primary School Headmasters and Headmistresses, and the Association of Principals of Government Secondary Schools.
The Conference also included two keynote speeches, followed by a panel discussion and three parallel seminars. Officiating the opening ceremony were Secretary for Education Dr Christine Choi Yuk-lin, and EdUHK Council Chairman Dr David Wong Yau-kar, who is also Chairman of the Education Commission.
Addressing the ceremony, the Council Chairman said, “As members of the academic and education communities, EdUHK has a responsibility to engage in in-depth exploration and promotion of values education. Traditional Chinese culture champions the need to uphold both abilities and virtues, and that proper values and attitudes are an essential element of students’ whole-person development. Through its curriculum, as well as by organising different events, EdUHK will continue to nurture prospective teachers and professionals for our society, who will demonstrate these values and put them into practice.”
The Council Chairman and EdUHK President and Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Professor John Lee Chi-Kin also expressed their full support for the HKSAR Government's plan to enact legislation under Article 23 of the Basic Law. For its part, EdUHK will continue to collaborate with the Education Bureau and different institutions to promote values education.
Secretary for Security Mr Chris Tang Ping-keung and Professor Lee Chack-fan, Director of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole at the University of Hong Kong and member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, delivered keynote speeches on the topics ‘Rule of Law and National Security Education – Safeguarding National Security: Basic Law Article 23 Legislation’ and ‘Chinese Cultural Education and Values – Inheritance of Values and Cultures’, respectively.
The panel discussion was moderated by Professor John Lee Chi-Kin; while Dr Lobo Louie Hung-tak, Associate Head at EdUHK Department of Health and Physical Education, Ms Ada Chung Lai-ling, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, and Ms Shirley Marie Therese Loo, General Secretary of The Family Development Foundation, joined the seminars and shared their insights.
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EdUHK Values Education Conference
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