In Praise of Teachers is a heartfelt song that celebrates the invaluable contributions and selfless dedication that teachers show in nurturing and inspiring their students.
Composed by Principal Lau Chun-wah in 1997, the inspiration for the song came from his years of first-hand experience witnessing the commitment and meticulous care that teachers provide for their students. The song is used as the theme song for Teachers’ Day, expressing sincere appreciation for teachers’ hard work and celebrating the significance of their contributions.
In 2014, Dr Leung Chi-hin, Assistant Professor at the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), rearranged In Praise of Teachers, enriching it with expressive harmonies to deepen its emotional resonance and enhance its melodic appeal. This new arrangement has brought fresh artistic charm to the piece, enabling it to convey gratitude and admiration for teachers on a broader range of occasions.
At EdUHK, we uphold the legacy of this song, reflecting our unwavering commitment to honouring educators, advancing education and inspiring future generations. The website showcases various versions of musical scores of In Praise of Teachers as well as the videos and recordings of the song played by CCA.
Let the melodies inspire you to play this heartfelt song, honouring teachers who inspire, guide and enlighten their students.

In Praise of Teachers for Chinese orchestra

In Praise of Teachers choral scores

Interview with the artistic team (coming soon)
- A Dialogue with the Musicians

Audio recordings
“The lyric, ‘Who opened up my mind and taught me to think’, reflects my gratitude, respect and profound admiration for teachers.” - Principal Lau Chun-wah
“By incorporating a mixed chorus and piano, I aimed to blend tradition with innovation, making the piece more engaging through enriched melodies and harmonies.” - Dr Leung Chi-hin
In Praise of Teachers
Lyrics and Music by Lau Chun-wah
Arranged by Leung Chi-hin
When I was a child, I was always puzzled.
A cute little innocent, so full of questions.
Who opened up my mind and taught me to think?
Who taught me knowledge and manners and right from wrong?
When I was a growing youth, so often I stumbled,
filled with frustrations, lost in a long dark night.
Who opened up my heart and stood by me with unfailing encouragement and brought me light?
My good teachers!
It was your love and care that lit my fire.
How great is a teacher’s gift!
Let us all sing this song of gratitude for the teachers who nurtured us.
I am today committed to my aspiration.
I stand proud in the world knowing what I want to do.
Who gave me strength to face difficult realities?
My teachers’ devoted lessons have helped me become what I am.
More about EdUHK and In Praise of Teachers