‘Heritage of Teacher Education in Hong Kong’ EdUHK Holds 30th Anniversary Exhibition
To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), ‘Heritage of Teacher Education in Hong Kong: An Exhibition Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of EdUHK’, will be held starting from today (10 August) until 18 August. Through pictures, videos and historical data, the exhibition aims to enhance the public’s understanding of the educational heritage of EdUHK, which goes back over a century, as well as the development of education in Hong Kong.
An opening ceremony was held at Central Market, and was officiated by Mr Liu Maozhou, the First-level Inspector of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR (LOCPG), Ms Eunice Chan Hau-man, District Officer (Tai Po), Deputy Council Chairman Professor Terence Chan Ho-wah, President Professor John Lee Chi-Kin, Vice President (Academic) Professor May Cheng May-hung, Legislative Council Member cum Chairperson of the EdUHK Alumni Association Hon Vincent Chu Kwok-keung, Chairperson of Northcote College of Education Past Students' Association Dr Dennis Koo Hok-chun, Grantham College of Education Past Students' Association Chairperson Mr Lee Park-keong, Sir Robert Black College of Education Past Students' Association Chairperson Ms Ng Woon-ling, and representative of The Graduate Association of Colleges of Education Mr Lam Chin-Kwong. Archbishop and Primate of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui The Most Reverend Andrew Chan Au-ming, Chief Executive and Director of Education Services of Caritas Hong Kong Father Joseph Yim Tak-lung, Chairman of Sik Sik Yuen Mr Lai Chak-sum, Chairman of The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon Executive Committee Mr Michael Mok Man-too, Council members Mr Armstrong Lee Hon-cheung and Dr Maxwell Ho Chun-sing joined on-site to show their support. EdUHK senior management, faculty, students, counterparts and friends also attended and shared the joy.
The exhibition is divided into four sections. The first reviews the history of EdUHK and teacher education development in Hong Kong; the second details momentous milestones of EdUHK over the years; the third showcases the outstandingly talented people nurtured by EdUHK and their significant achievements; the final section focuses on the efforts of EdUHK in promoting teacher ethics and values education. The exhibition also uses a significant number of eco-friendly materials, underscoring EdUHK’s commitment to supporting global sustainable development.
Professor Terence Chan Ho-wah remarked that from its beginnings as a single-discipline institution offering only certificate programmes, EdUHK has blossomed into a university that takes pride in its teacher education mission while covering a diverse array of academic disciplines. He hoped that the exhibition would enhance public understanding of the vital role played by EdUHK and teacher education and their impact on society.
“While reviewing the past, we also look forward to the continuous development, the educational vision and mission of EdUHK, contributing to the Hong Kong society, the nation, and the international community,” he said.
Professor John Lee Chi-Kin said that currently over 80% of kindergarten and primary school teachers and 30% of secondary school teachers in Hong Kong are graduates of EdUHK or its predecessor institutes. In the latest “QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024”, EdUHK ranked the top 20 globally in the field of education, a testament to its excellence that is widely recognised. He expressed gratitude to all sectors of society for their wholehearted support, unwavering trust and generous dedication to EdUHK and its predecessor institutions over the years.
“Education is the cornerstone of continuous social advancement. EdUHK is resolute in its mission to cultivate exceptional teachers and professionals of both virtue and talent, shouldering the responsibility for Hong Kong’s educational future, a task of great significance. Looking ahead, EdUHK will continue to further develop a diverse academic environment, expand academic fields, enhance teacher professionalism and ethics, and promote teacher virtue and values education, in order to nurture outstanding talents for the Hong Kong SAR and our nation,” he said.
EdUHK (formerly The Hong Kong Institute of Education) was formed by the amalgamation of four Colleges of Education and the Institute of Language in Education. Celebrating its 30th anniversary with the tagline – ‘Education Talent Virtue’ (育才弘教 立德樹人) – emphasising the importance of nurturing talent (才) while cultivating virtue (德), which is the essence of education and the core mission of the University.
‘Heritage of Teacher Education in Hong Kong: An Exhibition Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of EdUHK’ is free and open to the public. Details are as follows:
Exhibition date︰ | 10 - 18 August 2024 |
Venue︰ | 1/F, Event Space, Central Market |
Enquiries: | 2948 8073 |
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‘Heritage of Teacher Education in Hong Kong’ EdUHK Holds 30th Anniversary Exhibition
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