EdUHK Annual Report 2020/21
The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) released today (6 January) its 2020/21 Annual Report, which captures the University’s major developments and achievements during the period. These include:
- Research Assessment Exercise: 63% of its overall profile was judged to be “world leading” or “internationally excellent” in the Education Panel, and all educational research was assessed to have “outstanding” and “considerable impacts”. Its research in other areas, covering earth sciences, geography, Chinese language and literature, and psychology, among others, was also recognised;
- Research Grants Council funding: a total of HK$20.81 million was awarded to 36 EdUHK projects under the General Research Fund, Early Career Scheme, and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme, covering education, psychology and linguistics, humanities and arts, social and behavioural sciences, and mathematics. In the subject discipline of education, the University ranked first, both in terms of the number of successful projects and the amount awarded;
- International recognition: A record high of 29 prestigious awards were won around the globe in recognition of the University’s inventions in education, language and linguistics, and other areas. In the Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings by Subject 2021, EdUHK was ranked third in Asia and 16th in the world in education;
- 23 EdUHK scholars were named among the top two per cent most-cited scientists in the world;
- The launch of the “Future Classrooms” project, which features seven modern learning spaces. The project integrates technology, pedagogy and learning to bring new possibilities into classrooms, with the aim to prepare EdUHK students’ readiness for learning and teaching in the digital era;
- Renovation works for the new town centre in North Point, which provides a convenient location for the professional development of in-service teachers and related activities. Preparatory works for the construction of a new academic building on the Tai Po campus progressed as scheduled, with the support from the District Council and Area committee.
EdUHK President Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung said, “While fulfilling our core mission in teacher education, I am pleased that the University has been making phenomenal progress in line with the priority areas outlined in the Strategic Plan 2016-2025. We will continue to expand our programme offerings and research capacity under the Education-plus approach, to address educational and societal needs.
“We are pleased with the Policy Address initiative for the reprovisioning of a sports complex adjacent to our campus. We look forward to working with the government and related parties in pushing ahead with the project.”
The Annual Report and the Treasurer’s Report can now be accessed on the University’s website:
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EdUHK Annual Report 2020/21