Concluding Seminar for the Programme on Planning Life Education in Primary and Secondary Schools
Concluding Seminar for the Programme on Planning Life Education in Primary and Secondary Schools
Commissioned by the Education Bureau, the Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education (CRSE) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) launched the fifth iteration of the Programme on Planning Life Education in Primary and Secondary Schools recently, with the Concluding Seminar held today (18 June). Over 400 teachers and students shared their experiences and achievements in life education by means of poster board presentations, teaching demonstrations and professional sharing sessions.
Speaking of the programme’s importance, Professor John Lee Chi-kin, EdUHK Vice President (Academic) and Project In-charge, said that “life education can change the value systems of children, and even their lives.” He added that EdUHK and CRSE will strengthen their collaboration with fellow scholars and specialists in Greater China with a view to exchanging experience and further promoting the development of life education in Hong Kong through this programme and other projects.
The theme of the sharing session at the Concluding Seminar was “Life Conservation and Achievement”. Scholars and professors from EdUHK shared theories and research results on how to apply the knowledge and value system of life education to teaching teenagers. Representatives of the participating schools observed and discussed with each other their experiences as part of the Life Education Concluding Exhibition, with the aim of taking leading roles in promoting future life education.
Dedicated to religious and spirituality education in Hong Kong, the CRSE of EdUHK was established in 2006 through generous donations from five school-sponsoring religious organisations: the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Buddhist Association, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, Sik Sik Yuen and the Ching Chung Taoist Association of Hong Kong. In 2008, donations from the Confucian Academy were received to further the development of CRSE. Since then, it has published teaching materials and organised various events, lectures, seminars and workshops to provide professional development for teachers in Hong Kong and the region in the areas of religious, spirituality, life and value education.
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