5th Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony (2013)

Thank You Address by The Right Reverend Andrew Chan Au-ming
Council Chairman Mr Pang, Professor Cheng, Members of the Council, Deans and Faculty Members, Distinguished Guests and Students,
On behalf of all the Honorary Fellows this year – Mr Fung Sau-chung, Ms Leona Lam Wai-ling, Mr Frank Lee Kingting, Mr Tai Hay-lap, Ms Christina Ting Yuk-chee and myself – I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for having such a great honour conferred upon us. We come from different backgrounds – some of us are from educational institutions, some have years of frontline experience as teaching professionals and some are devoted to the promotion of the arts and culture. Nevertheless, we all work “with one heart” for Hong Kong’s next generations, and this spirit completely aligns with the HKIEd’s mission. As Mr Pang wrote in the Institute’s Strategic Plan, “only human talent can ensure the ongoing success and competitiveness of our city, and cultivating talent starts with education.”