2nd Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony (2010)
Recipients (In alphabetical order of surname)
- Dr Anthony Chow Wing-kin (周永健博士), SBS, JP
- Ms Barbara Fei (費明儀女士), SBS
- Mr Ho Siu-lun (何兆倫先生)
- Dr Joseph Kwong Kai-to (鄺啟濤博士), MH
- Mr Chien Lee (利乾先生)
- Mrs Mak Chen Wen-ning (麥陳尹玲女士), BBS
- Mrs Rita Mansukhani Au Hay-lun (文區熙倫女士), MH
- Mr Wong Kam-po (黃金寶先生), SBS, MH

Thank You Address by Ms Barbara Fei
Council Chairman Pang Yiu-kai, President Anthony Cheung, Members of the Council, Deans and Faculty Members, Distinguished Guest and Fellow Students,
All of us, Mr Anthony Chow Wing-kin, Mr Ho Siu-Iun, Dr Joseph Kwong Kai-to, Mr Chien Lee, Mrs Mak Chen Wen-ning, Mrs Rita Mansukhani, Mr Wong Kam-po and I, are greatly honoured and deeply grateful to have these Honorary Fellowships conferred upon us by Hong Kong Institute of Education. I am also honoured to be entrusted with the making of this address on behalf of the Honorary Fellows.