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School Counselling in an Asian Cultural Context: Insights from Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific Region

School Counselling in an Asian Cultural Context: Insights from Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific Region

Mark Harrison
Publish Date:

190 pages

ISBN: 9781003144571

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School Counselling in an Asian Cultural Context focuses on the ways in which cultural setting influences the practice of school counselling, its effectiveness, and the experience of young people as they engage in counselling in schools.


The mental health of young people is increasingly a cause for concern, particularly in Asia’s high-pressured league-topping education systems, and the wellbeing of students is becoming more a part of the wider remit of schools. Mark Harrison presents a broad overview of the development and current practice of school counselling in Hong Kong in both local and international schools and examines this in relation to school counselling in US and UK settings as well as the wider Asia-Pacific region.


The book brings together two foci: the practice of school counselling in the Asian cultural context of Hong Kong, and the effectiveness and experience of school counselling from the perspective of young people and counsellors. The diversity of schools in Hong Kong makes it a microcosm of trends and practices in school counselling globally and, as such, offers insights which will be of interest to students in training; school counsellors, administrators and policy makers in the Asia-Pacific region and further afield.


For more information about the publication, please visit here.

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