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Vision and Mission of AEDI

  • To create a higher level of synergy among Centres/Institutes and enhance inter-centre and inter-disciplinary collaboration as well as facilitate one-stop coherent collaboration with external agencies; 
  • To serve as a hub of educational development and innovation under EdUHK in the contexts of Hong Kong, Greater Bay Areas and beyond; and 
  • To generate income, attract donations, enhance EdUHK’s image and create social impact for educational and related communities.


Major Work

  • To bid for tenders, consultancy projects and undertake externally funded projects; 
  • To work with internal units including but not limited to Faculties and external bodies to operate self-financing programmes and activities; 
  • To serve as a central platform for interested colleagues to engage in self-financing activities under a second contract or special approval arrangement; 
  • To strengthen the partnership and networks with kindergartens and schools, other universities, government, industry, and related sectors; and 
  • To empower kindergartens and schools to become future-oriented organisations building upon their traditional strengths to better serve the students of today and tomorrow. 
  • To reinforce government policy and support teaching and learning of schools to continuously nurture educators and social leaders. 
  • To seek donations for various purposes e.g. professorship endowment and professor emeritus as well as sponsorship of PhD studentship. 



Academy Members

Management Committee
DirectorProfessor John Lee Chi-Kin
MembersMr Armstrong Lee Hon-cheung
 Professor Kenneth Sin Kuen-fung
 Dr Patrick Yun Pui-ho
 Dr Kevin Yung Wai-ho
Executive Committee
DirectorProfessor John Lee Chi-Kin

Executive Co-Directors

Professor Pamela Leung Pui-wan 
 Professor Kenneth Sin Kuen-fung
 Professor Susanna Yeung Siu-sze 
Associate Co-DirectorsDr Maxwell Ho Chun-sing 
 Dr Kevin Yung Wai-ho 
 Professor Philip Li Hui
Affiliated Fellows
Affiliated Associate FellowDr Wu Dandan
Academy Fellows
Mr Chan Hung
Mr Chen Dion
Dr Chu Kai Wing 
Ms Kathy Chung Lai-kam, MH
Mr Lai Kam-tong
Mrs Stella Lau Kun Lai-kuen, SBS, JP
Ms Lee Yi-ying
Dr George Leung Wing-hung 
Mr Poon Siu-chi
Adjunct Professor
Dr Yang Jin
Dr Lewis Luk-tei
Mr Hu Min 
New Media and Social Media Domain
Assistant ProfessorsDr Wu Biying
 Dr Liu Jindong
LecturerMs Gigi Sun Xue Qi

Institutes and Centres




Mainland China

Hong Kong

  • Programme for Leadership Enhancement for Serving Vice-Principals (2023/24) (EDB)
Project Period11/2023 - 09/2024
Target Group(s)Experienced vice-principals of Government, Aided, Caput and Direct Subsidy Scheme
Project Introduction

Under school-based management, how successful the school develops hinges on the quality of school leadership. Vice-principals, who assume the responsibility of school leaders in the absence of the Principals, play an important role in planning, coordinating and monitoring school development work in various areas for the benefit of students. It is therefore crucial to have in place a team of vice-principals who can demonstrate leadership of considerable scope and depth. To groom vice-principals to be future leaders of the profession, there is a need to broaden their perspective of leadership by bringing them from within the school context to the realm of other professions in Hong Kong and further to an international context.


The Programme will enable school vice-principals to possess global perspectives of leadership beyond the school context. It will help vice-principals draw on the experience gained from the Programme and become more effective school leaders. Eventually, the school leaders would contribute to enhancing the leadership of the profession as a whole. The Programme will build on the three roles of principals in nurturing students, i.e. ethical enablers of all-round growth and balanced advancement, versatile architects of vibrant learning organisations, visionary edupreneurs of educational transformation and continuous school improvement.

  • AI-Enabled Adaptive Learning for Primary School Students from Low-Income Families
Project Period

1/1/2024 - 30/6/2025

Target Group(s)Financially underprivileged primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong receiving fee-free supplementary tutoring
Project Introduction

This project is the third phase for the research and development project for Principal Chan Free Tutorial World (PCFTW), which has been offering fee-free supplementary tutoring and free learning resources for financially underprivileged students in Hong Kong to catch up with their studies. After developing an online platform hosting 5,000 teaching videos and then a question-and-answer forum with the assistance of Generative-AI (e.g., ChatGPT) in the previous two phases, this phase of the project will further develop the platform and add the feature of AI-generated questions for students’ adaptive learning. It will take place at various stages to develop the application. The development will begin with the creation of a basic question-and-answer learning application with over 10,000 pre-designed questions for Chinese, English, Mathematics and General Studies catering for the Hong Kong primary school curriculum. The question bank will then be expanded through ChatGPT, and the content and difficulty level of the questions fed to the users will be adjusted for the purpose of adaptive learning. This project allows the support to financially underprivileged students in Hong Kong to be sustainable. The product developed from this project is expected to benefit over 1,000 primary school students seeking learning support from PCFTW.

  • MT NCI:  Exploring the Effectiveness of Nurturing Entrepreneurial Leaders in Hong Kong
Project Period07/2024 - 08/2025
Target Group(s)Local primary and secondary schools teachers
Project Introduction
This research project aims to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial leadership training on principals and teachers in Hong Kong's schools. Through a comprehensive study across various educational institutions, the project will assess how the adoption of entrepreneurial thinking and strategies affects school improvement initiatives, educational outcomes, and stakeholder engagement. With a focus on aligning with new government policies and teacher standards related to 'edupreneurship,' the research will provide actionable insights into the effectiveness of leadership training programs and propose evidence-based recommendations for policy and practice in nurturing entrepreneurial leaders in education.
  • Shadow Assessment: Using Cutting-Edge Item Response Models to Predict Students’ English Achievement in Primary School
Project Period1/1/2024 - 31/12/2025
Target Group(s)Primary school students taking the online tests organised by the funding body
Project Introduction
This project aims to use cutting-edge item response models to accurately assess primary school students’ English language achievement in mainstream schools. This study harnesses the unique test data of online competitions in English, Chinese, and Maths by a company for primary school students. These competitions are online tests with questions adhering to the Hong Kong local curriculum and the format of tests commonly used in mainstream local schools. Building on the concept of “shadow education”, a metaphor for private supplementary tutoring, these online tests are “shadow assessment” whose extra-curricular evaluation mirrors mainstream academic testing. Held three times per year, these tests attract over 1,500 Primary 1 to Primary 6 students. This study will model shadow assessment and its antecedents to predict students’ English achievement. The results can inform schools’ assessment practices and parents’ strategies for supporting their children’s learning outside of school.
  • ‘i-Journey’ Paid Non-local Study Leave Scheme for Teachers (EDB)
Project Period02/2024 - 08/2026
Target Group(s)Local primary and secondary schools teachers
Project Introduction
The 'i-Journey' Paid Non-local Study Leave Scheme for Teachers aims to create a unique learning experience for participants, where they will start with an inquiry, get inspired in the process, and most importantly, bring an impact on their teaching/ student learning/ school development. "i" refers to the 3 crucial elements of this Scheme – inquire, inspire and impact, and together they make a fruitful learning journey.
  • Academic English Writing for University Success
Project PeriodFrom 1/7/2024  
Target Group(s)Secondary school students preparing for university studies
Project Introduction
This intensive 9-hour short course is designed to empower senior secondary school students with the foundational skills and strategies essential for mastering English academic writing, a crucial component of university studies. Through interactive lectures and group discussions, students will explore the nuances of syntax in academic English, expand their academic vocabulary, and learn to craft compelling and coherent essays, reports, and research papers in English.
  • Young Musicianship 
Project PeriodFrom 2/11/2024  
Target Group(s)Young children (kindergarten and primary school students)
Project Introduction
This intensive course aims to enrich children’s exceptional music acoustic sensitivity and aptitude. Unlike traditional note-reading approaches, this course places a strong emphasis on developing pitch sensitivity. Through engaging group activities, students will enhance their fundamental music sensitivity, cultivate absolute pitch abilities, and demonstrate basic keyboard skills. The course builds upon the innovative “Music-Speech Integration Pedagogy (MSIP)” derived from the successful methodologies employed in the course creator’s previous projects (DRG2022-23/004 & CB353). Extensive research has demonstrated the efficacy of our music training program, MSIP, which leverages the reciprocal reinforcement between music and speech connections. By fostering tonal-rhythmic sensitivity and cultivating absolute pitch ability, MSIP offers a comprehensive approach to music education. A quasi-experimental study conducted in 2023 assessed the effectiveness of MSIP in an authentic classroom context. The preliminary findings provide compelling evidence of the course’s potential positive impact on children’s sensitivity to music pitch and rhythm. This course offers a unique opportunity for students to develop their exceptional music acoustic sensitivity and aptitude through an immersive and research-based approach. 
*The course content has been documented in HK Short-term Patent Application (HK 32024089435.4)
  • Workshop on “Reflection and Practice of Professional Leadership” (2023/24) (EDB)
Project Period09/2023 - 08/2024
Target Group(s)Local primary and secondary schools teachers who aspire to promote to the posts of Senior Graduate Master/Mistress, Education Officer and Primary School Master/ Mistress
Project Introduction
As teachers progress in their career, teachers being promoted shall thoroughly understand their new duties and requirements, and possess leadership competences to steer the developments of their teaching teams and schools.  This workshop is formulated with a view to strengthen the leadership capabilities of the middle management, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills and competences to fulfill the training requirements for promotion of teachers.
  • Courses on Physical and Mental Health for Teachers (2023/24) (EDB)
Project Period02/2024 - 08/2024
Target Group(s)Teachers of kindergartens, primary, secondary and special schools in Hong Kong, excluding those who work for private schools offering non-formal curriculum
Project Introduction
To help teachers enhance their work capacity, EDB will commission non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or tertiary institutions to organise courses on physical and mental health for teachers in the 2023/24 school year. The Academy for Educational Development and Innovation of EdUHK will organise 'Expressive Art Workshop', 'Yoga Workshop', 'Yoga Online Workshop', and 'Fitness Workshop' as part of the EDB sponsored courses.
  • JUPAS Programme Choices Analysis Report system
Project Period1/4/2024 – 20/7/2024
Target Group(s)Secondary 5 and Secondary 6 students in Hong Kong
For details, please refer to the Chinese version.
  • Educational Administration and Management Course for School Administrators
Project Period12/2023 - 06/2024
Target Group(s)Aspiring Senior Primary School Masters/Mistresses (SPSM) and Principal Graduate Masters/Mistresses (PGM)
Project Introduction
This course will equip students with the knowledge and skills for effective mentoring and fostering collegial support in schools through lectures, workshops, and school visits. Prominent speakers including serving and adjunct academic colleagues from EdUHK, experienced school principals, and non-education leaders will be invited to deliver the sessions.

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