李伟强教授 | 博文及社会科学学院院长
In recognition of his significant contributions to the Journal of Time Series Analysis, Professor Li Wai-keung, Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and Research Chair Professor of Data Science, The Education University of Hong Kong, was selected as a Distinguished Author in 2020, based on publications appearing in Volumes 1–40 inclusive.
The list of Distinguished Authors is announced annually, based on articles published up to and including the previous calendar year. The qualifying criterion for the award is 3.5 points. Authors are awarded 1 point for each single-authored article, 1/2 point for each dual-authored article, 1/3 point for each triple-authored article, and so on, that they have published in the Journal of Time Series Analysis since its inception.
Established in 1980, the Journal has become one of the most important and widely used branches of Mathematical Statistics. Its fields of application range from neurophysiology to astrophysics, and it covers such well-known areas as economic forecasting, the study of biological data, control systems, signal processing and communications, and vibrations engineering. For more information, please click here.