Professor Stephen Chow received his BSc (First Class Hons) and PhD from the City University of Hong Kong. After graduation, he obtained a Croucher Foundation Fellowship in 2005 and did his post-doctoral fellowship with Nobel laureate Jean-Marie Lehn at the University of Strasbourg, France. He joined the University’s Department of Science and Environmental Studies in 2010.
Professor Chow’s research interests lie mainly in supramolecular inorganic and analytical chemistry, such as transition metal-based catalysis and chemosensing. He also uses his chemistry background to complement the University’s multidisciplinary goals in the areas of environmental studies and STEM education. Over the past years, Professor Chow has published over 100 international refereed journal papers, book chapters, books, and patents with more than half ranked within the top 10% in the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Scientific Journal Rankings international databases. Eight articles were recognised and highlighted as the cover stories in Chemical Science, Chemical Communications, Journal of Material Chemistry, Chemistry-A European Journal, Journal of Material Chemistry C, and Analyst. He has also filed seven patents by using his research in these areas. Professor Chow received the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research: (i) Early Career Research Excellence Award and (ii) Research Excellence Award from the University in 2013 and 2016, respectively.
Moreover, Professor Chow has actively done work in the community. He served the HKDSE-Chemistry Subject Committee of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (2012–2018) and the CDC-HKEAA Committee of Chemistry of Curriculum Development and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority as a committee member (2013–2019). Because of his research background in plastic waste science and education, he has been appointed as the member of the Environmental and Conservation Fund Waste Reduction Project Vetting Subcommittee, Environmental Protection Department of the HKSAR Government (2016–now), the honourable adviser of Hong Kong Recycling Chamber of Commerce (2018–now), and the member of the Climate Action Recognition Scheme of Hong Kong SDG Hub, Wofoo Social Enterprises (2021–now). Professor Chow is the Topic Editor (supramolecular chemistry) of Frontiers in Chemistry (impact factor: 3.782).