President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer (2022/23)
Awardees of 2022/23 (English Only)
This award recognizes, encourages, and rewards individuals and teams who transfer knowledge, expertise, know-how, skills, or technology owned by the University to society in such a way as to improve the economy and society as a whole. The results of the President’s Award for Knowledge Transfer 2022/23 were announced in May 2023.

Individual Award
Dr HUNG Keung
(Associate Professor, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts)
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Individual Award
Dr LEUNG Ka-man
(Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Physical Education)
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Team Award
Department of Early Childhood Education (ECE)Dr Eva LAU Yi-hung (Associate Professor/ Associate Head, ECE)
Dr LI Jianbin (Assistant Professor/ Associate Head, ECE)
Dr Pauline CHAN Po-lin (Senior Lecturer I/ Associate Head, ECE)
Dr Sam CHEUNG Sum-kwing (Assistant Professor/ Assistant Head, ECE)
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