Young Techpreneur Project 2022-2023
Young Techpreneur Project 2022-2023

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, with the sponsorship of the Lo Kwee Seong Foundation is once again organising the Young Techpreneur Project 2022-23. Young people, aged 18 to 35, are encouraged to submit their unique proposals, combining innovation and technology as a first step on their entrepreneurial journey. A total of 15 projects will be selected and the authors will be invited to join an intensive and exclusive training programme, which includes mentorship support and then a final pitching. A shortlist of six winners will receive HKD100,000 in grants to kick-start their projects.
This year there will be added components to the training, including writing proposals, marketing, design, understanding the metaverse and NFTs, as well as familiarity with Social Return on Investments (SROI). Winners will also receive free desk space for a year, business start-up support, network referrals, continued mentorship and help to promote their projects.
For more details, please visit: